Sometimes your provider may request a sonohysterogram be scheduled for you. This is a special ultrasound procedure procedure and involves both the ultrasound technologist and your physician. This procedure and involves both the ultrasound technologist and your physician. This procedure should be done within 5-10 days after the start of your menstrual period.
Sonohysterography is a procedure in which fluid is injected through the cervix into the uterus, and ultrasound is used to make images of the uterine cavity. The fluid shows more detail of the inside of the uterus than when ultrasound is used alone. Sonohysterography can find the underlying cause of many problems.
Additionally, a preliminary scan may also be ordered by your provider. This scan is done on a different day, prior to the sonohysterogram.
It may be helpful to take Ibuprofen prior to coming to the office, as the procedure may cause you to experience cramping.
Your provider will review the findings of the procedure wth you that day and explain your options.
If for any reason you need to cancel this procedure and reschedule it, please inform the individual that is rescheduling the ultrasound that it is for a sonohysterogram.